March 21


How to Powerfully End 2016 First Quarter with Confidence

Ending 2016 first quarter illustrated by a tree drawing with word rat the end of the branches relating to business success (sales, ideas, team, goals, etc) labelled in different colors..
Ending 2016 first quarter on a high note filled with confidence using 5 oversimplified steps!

How to Powerfully End 2016 First Quarter with Confidence

2016 First Quarter is ending in 10 days. Yes, the performance of each week and month are measured and assessed as a performance milestone. Yet each quarters’ performance metrics are key indicators of where you along your 2016 Business Success Path. The first quarter is the first of 4 major milestones to acknowledge YOUR Business Performance. It’s time to really look into how you’re performing.

Do you take time to conduct Quarterly Reviews?

I like performing my Quarterly Confidence Review. Why? Even though I’m making constant shifts to improve weekly and monthly performance, quarterly reviews are more comprehensive. Here’s the inside scoop on how I do my oversimplified and thorough quarterly review. The first quarter is always the easiest because it has the least history to review.

How to Powerfully End 2016 First Quarter-
5 Oversimplified Steps Build Confidence!

1. On March 20th, make a 2-hour appointment with yourself within the first 5 days of April.

2. Review YOUR Business’s Purpose, Vision, and Mission Statements to get you into the mindset of what you’re trying to create.

3. Review your financials. This implies your bookkeeping is current. Begin with profit. Is there any? Next look at revenue and expenses. Anything noteworthy? What needs to be in better alignment? Notice any trends? How does Q1 (first quarter) 2016 compare to Q1 2015, etc. are there trends waiting to be noticed by you?

4. Review your sales and marketing metrics. Deeply dive into these to understand what is and isn’t happening with the actions you’ve taken throughout Q1. Were your activities sporadic? What are the specific objectives to your marketing strategies? Did you try something new or different? Where/how are you getting your sales leads? Which actions still need to be taken? Which actions need to be better aligned with YOUR Business’s Purpose, Vision, and Mission Statement?

5. Make a 1-hour follow-up appointment with yourself to finalize for new or adjust strategies and get this new plan for success activated immediately. NOTE: If you have a team, set up a team meeting after your 2 hours (self) meeting and conduct steps 4 and 5 with your team.

So that’s how I end every first quarter. How will you be ending 2016 first quarter for YOUR Business?

BIG TIP: If you think YOUR Business doesn’t have enough activity to do this because your a new business or small is sales, this is the perfect action to take. By ending the 2016 first quarter in this manner, you are creating a multitude of good habits. This year is exactly the perfect time to become a Leader of YOUR Business.

What business opportunities would you like to create with clarity from your Q1 Review? Share your answer in the comment section.


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Customized Business Coaching to Help You:
Call Maggie (262) 716.7750 for YOUR No-cost Consultation

Blessings of Success to YOU ~
Maggie Mongan, Master Business Coach
Brilliant Breakthroughs, Inc.

Direct Dial: 262-716-7750

LinkedIn: MaggieMongan

p.s. You can end the 2016 first quarter with great confidence if you follow these 5 oversimplified steps. There’s only one more step you add for your additional quarters. More on that as Q2 comes to a close!

Copyright: This article is copyrighted by Brilliant Breakthroughs, Inc. The internet is about sharing. Please share this post in its entirety with full attribution to Brilliant Breakthroughs, Inc. at Thank you.


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