February 24


Passion provided via 2014 Olympians

2014 Winter Olympics and the Passion to get there! by Maggie Mongan of Brilliant Breakthroughs, Inc.
2014 Winter Olympics and the Passion to get there!

 Passion via 2014 Olympians

Do you feel like you are a gold medal contender?
Is your performance medal worthy?
Are you striving to thrive?

Passion is what drives us – if we allow it to. The 2014 Winter Olympics were completed yesterday. As I watched a portion of the closing ceremony (watching the rest tonight), I had a sense of being let down. It had nothing to do with the medal count or even that the Olympics were ending. This sensation was about a loss – I wanted to keep hearing inspiring stories of the athletes’ overcoming obstacles. These stories were inspiring and insightful – and now they are off the airwaves.

When I was a child I distinctly remember everyone curling up in front of the TV during the Winter Olympics. With my Dad being Austrian, we always cheers for Austria and USA. Our family came together, the nation came together, and the world came together during these special days of the Olympics. These were fond memories. Today, we need this unity even more than ever!

Is your passion catapulting you to a Gold Medal?

Today, we still need our passions, and their intensity, to be channeled in a constructive manner. Some people do this very well and others don’t. Passion is what drives us when things become difficult. Lately, I’ve noticed that people aren’t living passion driven lives. This makes sense though as to why those who are living a passion driven life are getting more notoriety.

My question is simple: Is your performance medal worthy?

Are you striving to thrive?

The other day I was meeting with a teenager I mentor. We were talking about effort and how a little extra effort can make quite an impact. I explained why it’s so “lonely walking the last mile of a journey”. I was amazed at how quickly she caught on! She completely understood that if she applied herself “just a little bit more” she could really accomplish all her goals.

I imagine that the passion of the Olympians accelerates their “just a little bit more” to what appears to us as “just a bunch more”. Some people say striving for something isn’t good. I completely disagree! I believe there is a difference between battling for something and striving for it. Striving is about putting yourself on the court and playing with all you have. It may not be easy all the time, but you are conditioning yourself. On the other hand battling absorbs most of the energy you exert and it doesn’t necessarily advance your progress. So if you are battling, perhaps it’s time to reconsider the game you are playing. If you are striving to play and win, go for it… allow your passion to carry you to your goal!

If you’re curious and want to dabble with this just a little bit more…
Click here to read what happens when Passion calls you 🙂

Your Business Rescue Coach wants to know: Which Olympic medal would your receive for 2013’s professional performance? What are you doing to “go for the gold” this year? Please share in the comment section so we can learn from each others best practices. AND…

If you would like to talk about being a gold medal contender and how I might be able to assist you,
please feel free to call 262-716-7750 (central time) or provide your contact info in the comments section.
I will be happy to offer you a no-cost consultation – just reach out!

Blessings of Success to YOU ~
Maggie Mongan, Brilliant CEO & Founder
Brilliant Breakthroughs, Inc.


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