New Year Business Plan Prework
for Small Business Owners
Business Plan Prework doesn’t need to be daunting at all! Are you making this discouraging or encouraging?
Here’s the deal: How you approach this mentally and emotionally will help determine how favorable YOUR Business’s Performance will occur!
Relevant High Schooler’s Story of Success Prework
One of my passions is helping young people shave years of hard lessons and pain from their learning curve. One of the young men I was mentoring was shifting from Junior High to High School. His performance was less than favorable. School wasn’t fun for him, nor his parents. He struggled with doing the supporting activities or homework and studying for his classes; yet, he did well on tests because he’s smart and paid attention in class. One of his parents asked me to help him out.
There was one thing I said to him that shifted everything. It was something my favorite High School Teacher shared on the first day of my freshman year, which I repeated to this young man.
“Congratulations! Today, you are Straight A Student. Everything you do from here on out determines if you keep your A grade. The choice is yours.”
Four Year Follow-up: He was amazed at how simple this was. To start our as a rock star and do the actions to secure this level of performance instead of doing hard work to try to get it. No, he isn’t a Straight A Student. Yet, before he completed his Junior year of High School he was already accepted into his preferred college! He’s enjoying school much more. Last, he’s excited about applying this technique to college.
NOTE: This is a very different way of looking at achievement. Small Business Owners, I promise you: everything needn’t be a grind!
Now back to YOUR Business Plan Prework
What if? What if you had the same opportunity as you’re planning YOUR Business Plan for the new year – or the Do-Over you’re starting now because things have changed?
Consider this: What if you could be a Small Business Owner Rock Star just by changing your mentality to “I’m already a rock star. Now I only need to focus on keeping this status.”
Would this create a shift in YOUR mind? Sure it would! Would it make your Business Plan Prework more encouraging, fun, doable? Yes it would!
How we approach something in our mind is 92% of winning the battle. The other 8% is about the execution of the plan we create to fulfill our vision.
Often this technique, which creates “Right Thoughts” to create “Right Actions” is overlooked or even minimized by Small Business Owners (SBOs); yet, I can assure you it is a significant success factor.
As you are developing this new year’s plan for your business, or performing a Do-Over (been there), remember YOUR New Year Business Plan Prework is essential for YOUR Business’s Success.
WARNING: Don’t “yeah, yeah, yeah” or “I already know that”! DO the prework and you’ll be glad you did. This way your plan is already starting successfully.
Gift YOUR Business and yourself by clicking YOUR NO-cost Consultation with Maggie for a laser coaching session on this topic. This could be the one thing you do to get you over the hump that’s snagging YOUR Business from living into its potential.
Even if you don’t reach out for help, know it’s essential for YOU to do this for YOUR Business’s Success. Either way, get busy and amaze yourself! YOUR Ideal Customers are waiting for you to show up in their world.
Please feel free to share a question or insights in the comments section. Hey, I’m curious: What are some of YOUR Success Practices? I start with this practice of prework and then I reverse engineer the project to create actions which align with my strategy 🙂
Brilliant Breakthroughs, Inc.
Making it possible to Simplify Small Business Success!
Call Maggie (262) 716.7750 for YOUR No-cost Consultation
Maggie Mongan, #1 Bestselling Author
Master Business Coach for Small Businesses
Brilliant Breakthroughs, Inc.
Direct Dial: 262-716-7750
LinkedIn: MaggieMongan
p.s.: Start any new project strong with this Business Plan Prework Technique and step into enjoyable work!
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