March 9


March Madness and the Business of Performance

March Madness reflects the Business of Performance

Which March Madness Bug Bit You?
What can you learn from March Madness?
The spirit of performance truly matters!

Image of golden starburst light with startbursts around with the phrase "YOUR Excellence Matters" to encourage excelling performance during the March Madness Basketball Tournament
March Madness requires excellence!

March Madness occurs every spring. No, I’m not referencing cabin fever or even spring fever. I’m referencing the big business of America’s March Madness Basketball Tournaments. In America, a great deal of focus is placed on bracketology (a term used to explain and determine how teams are going to be placed, according to their seasonal performance, for championship tournament playoff games). Most of the focus of March Madness is collegiate teams. Yet, there’s another layer of basketball’s March Madness, which rarely gets great press until the championship game – High School Basketball.

March Madness: Big Business, Performance Drive,
& Decision Making on Steroids!

Why would I be discussing this? Besides March Madness being a business all onto itself. Doubt me? Watch how the successful and trendy restaurant company Buffalo Wild Wings, which buys an enormous about of commercial space during March, stock shifts during this time of year. Yes indeed, March Madness is about performance – and you know how we love discussing performance here! Additionally March Madness is about decision making.

Decision making moments are strategical with the coaching teams. Players have to make the strategies of the coaching team become tactical out on the court in realtime. When one player makes a move the other 9 players must respond to that one move. This constant strategizing on the court which excites so many. Sounds like business to me! At the end of last week my husband and I were talking about March Madness and the bracketology for 2015. Then he shared something with me that I never considered as a strategy option.

He started telling me about two High School Girl Basketball Teams in Tennessee, who made national news. Why? There were competing (playing) against eachother and whomever won this game would be put into a winners bracket (a very difficult and risky bracket to participate in for a chance at championship title). The other team would be placed in a different bracket with easier teams to beat. In the end, the winner of each bracket would play the other winner to claim the championship title.

This is when March Madness Struck
High School Basketball

During the game, one of the team’s strategy was to lose the game. Why? Then they could play in the easier bracket. They were a high performing team who decided to pretend they were horrible. When the other team figured out what was going on, they too chose this strategy! Both teams chose trying to lose more than then other. Finally, the referee stopped the game and declared neither team as a winner nor loser. Then he report what occurred to the Division Head and both schools were rejected from any further tournament play for this season. Additionally, they weren’t allow to have a team next year and both were fined.

Hearing this story saddened me because March Madness is a performance driven competition. It’s about everyone discovering their fortitude, leading with integrity, going against all odds, and excelling in adversity. In the spirit of competition, I saw the penalties appropriate. Why? Mediocrity isn’t an appropriate strategy in a competitive arena. It usually isn’t for any circumstances. Doubt me? Contemplate what would happen if nature’s performance was mediocre. I recall Peter F. Drucker’s quote:

“Whenever you see a successful business,
someone once made a courageous decision.”

Where in your business’s performance are you setting for mediocrity?

Make a performance choice and eradicate mediocre performance from yourself, you team, your business!

If you find yourself slipping, stop what you are doing. Review your vision for your business and realign your performance with your vision. Don’t let this new strain of March Madness infect your business’s success! Get back to the honor and excellence March Madness had initially intended and your business will soar.

Please feel free to comment on March Madness lessons and what you do to improve greater profit and success for YOUR Business. 


If you want to discuss this strategy or something you need assistance with,
please call Maggie (262) 716.7750 for YOUR No-cost Consultation.

Blessings of Success to YOU ~
Maggie Mongan, Brilliant CEO & Founder
Brilliant Breakthroughs, Inc.

Direct Dial: 262-716-7750
LinkedIn: Maggie Mongan

p. s.:  I find the spirit of March Madness outstanding! It is quite inspiring to see young people playing because they are passionate about the game and performing at extra-ordinary levels. Why? Because they can!


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