Learning from the Past Pays Off
for Business Leaders
Ever learn from a previous experience?
Ready to slow down and learn from the past?
Why keep trying to re-invent the wheel?
Learning from the Past is Valuable
Take time to begin learning from the past. Your past. The past of others. Whatever you do, don’t stop learning! On December 7th, our history changed on this planet. The Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor and America entered into the World War Two. After this, everything changed.
I was “watching” a special on PBS tonight about a group of Wisconsinites who were serving at Pearl Harbor when it was bombed. This group of men were quite impressive. I stopped what I was doing when the veterans were speaking – it was such a learning experience for me, and for them as the documentary followed them from leaving Wisconsin to going to Pearl Harbor, Punchbowl (Hawaii’s Military Cemetery), The Pali Lookout, etc., and then back to Wisconsin. When I lived in Hawaii (20 years ago) I actually stood where they were filming so I spent time reacquainting myself with these sacred places.
I enjoyed visiting these places and learning about the history, the struggles, the defeat, the victories, and the lessons we can learn from history. I appreciated knowing that we have the advantage to learn how military leaders strategized, plans were executed, and learning that “applying training when chaos hits” is what guided our veterans to great levels of effectiveness. We have this opportunity too!
Business Leaders should always be Learning
Why would I say this? The more we learn, the more often we will automatically do what appears natural to us! I’d like to add, with greater success.
What is in your past, or another’s past, can help you in your learning about your current struggle?
Slow down and learn how others have handled your situation. Then, you will be able to execute your plan effectively and efficiently.
Learning from Extra-Ordinary Leaders
Many aspects make a leader extra-ordinary. One aspect is modesty. During this documentary the reporter asked one of the veterans if he shared alot of his war stories with others. The Veteran answered, “No, I was just doing my job. I’m not a hero.” This was fascinating because indeed he was!
When seeking someone to mentor, teach, guide, or coach you, take time to make sure your leaders are modest and respectful. Their mindfulness will serve you well. NOTE: Your job, as a leader, is to do the same with those you lead!
Leadership of any sort is noble. No one must follow you, they select to or not. Are you providing exceptional learning opportunities for those who you lead? If not, find ways to make this happen. When we learn and have the opportunity to apply what we are learning, we always win.
Please feel free to comment or share what it is you are learning right now..
If you want to discuss this strategy or something you need assistance with,
please call Maggie (262) 716.7750 for YOUR No-cost Consultation.
Blessings of Success to YOU ~
Maggie Mongan, Brilliant CEO & Founder
Brilliant Breakthroughs, Inc.
Direct Dial: 262-716-7750
LinkedIn: MaggieMongan
p.s. This month Maggie is learning some new social media platforms and how to create great videos. Really looking forward to starting 2015 with a bang!