Feedback Matters:
Today’s Business Strategy
Business Rescue Coach Maggie asks you:
Do you ask for feedback?
Are you looking for ways to improve your business?
Do you let your customers know what they think does matter?
YOUR Business Strategy today is for you to focus on feedback for a couple whiles… and always 🙂 Why is feedback important? It gives you clues, from others, regarding how you and your business can improve.
3 Major Areas that Feedback Matters:
Personally, Professionally, and Your Business
Feedback Matters Personally: If you aren’t looking for new ways to improve your life and take action, you are living a slow death of dissatisfaction. Are you are making yourself appealing for others to interact with you, or are you stagnant. Is this you? Feedback matters: what are people telling you? Maybe even more importantly, what aren’t you hearing them say?
Feedback Matters Professionally: Are you, as a professional, developing your capabilities, skills, and knowledge? Do you take time to evolve yourself as a professional or even a specialist or expert? Do you take time to learn knew skills and even hone in on your particular craft/expertise further each week? An expanding mind is a beautiful mind… how attractive is your mind to others? Feedback matters: what are people telling you about your professional development? Are you getting passed over for promotions, project leads,salary bumps or commission payments? Probably even more importantly, what aren’t you hearing them say (or demonstrate to you)?
Feedback Matters to YOUR Business: What’s the first thing you think of when you hear feedback? Are you thinking about customer surveys or comment cards? Indeed these are great ways to understand what’s important to your customer so you can give them what they want (even though most businesses don’t take action on feedback).
Feedback Matters Awareness
What about the other ways you can gather feedback? You could speak to others and ask questions… and then you have to really listening to what they say (not what you think they are saying). You could observe how they respond and/or interact with situations, things, or people. You could even listen to what they aren’t saying – again, this one in a really powerful way of acquiring feedback.
Who or what are you seeking feedback from to improve your business? I’m sure you are constantly asking your customers, but who else can give you insight? Are you speaking to your vendors to learn what they know regarding industry trends? Are you asking your team members? They have a plethora of wisdom to improve business- and most owners/managers just don’t ask them to contribute enough! Are you speaking to neighbors, family, friends, and your delivery service what you could do to improve or what their perspective is on certain concepts? OR what about how people interfacing with your new person, furniture, products, displays, or websites? Feedback matters big time! … If you take the time to make it matter big 🙂 OK, not the best grammar there, but if YOU want to own your marketplace, activate YOUR Feedback Matters Button today!
Today’s Feedback Matters Action Items
- Start by deciding where you are going to keep your Feedback Matters Log to journal of what you are noticing, hearing, and researching to improve.
- Create 3 categories in your Feedback Matters Log: Personal, Professional, and Business.
- Each day make at least one entry of something : enter important and relevant to each one of your categories.
*Feedback Matters Bonus: Select one feedback entry from each area of your existence and begin improving it… yep, I’m saying have 3 improvements going on simultaneously… after all, that is exactly how you become a rock start!
Are you ready to Activate YOUR Feedback Matters Button and Log? Why don’t you share what you will focus on for the next month and feel free to “Leave a Reply & Comment” so we can all help each other build Brilliant Businesses 🙂
It can be all different this year…
if you plan to deliver different results in 2013!
If you or your business needs rescuing on this particular topic
or any other Business Strategies we have been discussing,
please reach out to Maggie (262) 716.7750 FYI: I’m in the Central Time Zone
Blessings of Success to YOU ~
Maggie Mongan, Business Rescue Coach
Brilliant Breakthroughs, Inc.
I was just thinking of this today. My car is in for servicing and I could areas of that service that I was UNCOMFORTABLE. I could see two ways in which they could have made me more comfortable.
They gave me a loaner car to use and the service lady walked me to the car and gave me all the paper work to sign. Once I did that she left. I got in and realized I had to back up into a lot where there were several cars parked and workmen walking around. I was very UNCOMFORTABLE backing up into that area. I see that they could have turned the car around for me first so that I was going forward instead of backing up.
The second thing that made me UNCOMFORTABLE was that I did not see an exit. I could left or right but did not know which one was the quickest way to go. They could have brought the car around the front for me and I would have felt more comfortable or she could have advised me of the quickest way to exit their lot.
These are very little things to the staff for sure, but to me, it was important.
I will look at ways now, to make my clients comfortable. Once I am really rolling I will add some sort of feedback form for my customers to fill out, after a session with me. I will be asking them what I could have done better.
I know that each person will answer differently, but once I see a pattern I know I will implement the improvements.
Thanks for the sharing- it is a great example regarding how the little things matter. Consider “Pay it forward” and share with them how they could have served you better. Cheers!
Don’t wait too long- you never know which customer is going to give you the most impactful feedback. Consider taking the time to do something basic for feedback now. … when businesses are starting out, feedback is even more critical to you effectively serving. The sooner you get feedback, the sooner you are creating a masterpiece! Strongly encourage you not to wait on this one 🙂