September 1


Business Strategy: YOUR Ideal Customer (Part 3) by The Business Rescue Coach

Hope everyone will be enjoying a safe and light-hearted Labor Day Weekend 🙂

Question: Who is your business’s target audience? This shouldn’t be such a hard one to answer for business owners and leaders. Surprisingly, I find that most cannot answer this question-yikes! Here’s the bottom line for all of us: If we don’t know who we are serving then how can we be communicating to (1) let them know we exist, (2) we have the solution they are seeking, and (3) communicate with them in a manner which engages and entices them to your offerings? I don’t have a clue how anyone can do this without identifying their ideal customer for the questions I just posed in part one, as well as so many more… please remember, we always over-simplify here!

Know Thy Customer

I’m not sure how many posts it will take to break down the Ideal Customer Discovery Process will take. Again, we will over-simplify here. So let’s do it a little differently from all the other postings and jump into my discovery of these questions and then, of course, you would begin to dig into yours as well 🙂

Self-Discovery of The Business Rescue Coach re: YOUR Ideal Customer

1. Who do they serve?

In my case, my ideal client owns, leads, or manages a business that is either business-to-business or direct to consumers. Who my ideal client serves isn’t the most important thing for my particular business because I am educating and then teaching my clients how to implement successful business strategies into their daily practice. The difference for me to be aware of is which best practices and business strategies are appropriate for them (and one of the variables for that is who they serve). For most people this isn’t the case; thus, it is critical for you to answer this question.

2. Where do they hang-out/what are their interests?

In my case, my ideal client shows up a business conventions, community events, charitable/fundraising events, networking events, and online business sites. They tend to be interested in charitable causes or community events where they can generously “give back”. Typically, they are very interested in sharing their wisdom with whomever inquires about it and they are great at referrals.

3. What level of income do they have? More specifically, for your services?

In my case, my ideal client has enough income to pay for my services. I don’t work on an hourly basis- I create contractual agreements that are project based and are financially suitable for my clients. I do have a mix of offerings and price-points to accommodate different needs of my ideal client: (a) high-end customized one-to-one offerings with fair and marketable prices for small-medium businesses,  (b) group offerings that are personalized to an extent with a reasonable price as well, and (c) The Divine Business Experiment, an extremely discounted (it’s really a steal) for customized one-to-one coaching for 9 months. All this being said, my client’s level of income is not a barrier to gaining the wisdom and insights of a tenured Business Strategist / Business Coach with tenured experience in senior management.

… Wow, didn’t know I had all that in me—- lovin’ this and hope you are too!!!

Self-Discovery Questions for YOU:

1. Now it’s your turn to take the time and do what I did with each one of the above questions!

If you or your business needs rescuing on this particular topic
or any other Business Strategies we have been discussing,
please reach out to Maggie (262) 716.7750   FYI: I’m in the Central Time Zone

Blessings of Success to YOU ~
The Business Rescue Coach, Maggie Mongan
Brilliant Breakthroughs, Inc.


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