YOUR Business Rescue Coach asks:
Have you ever had a week that piled endless stuff on top of you?
Did it bring you to your knees, or tears?
Some days, or even weeks tend to build the biggest “To Do List”, don’t they? The past couple of weeks have been this for me. Then, it happened yesterday… I had one more simple little request be made of me (thank God it was left in a voice mail), and that was it- my final straw! While in the adjustment room of my wonderful Chiropractor of 10+ years, well, this one little extra request brought me to tears. It was game over for me as I wept a bit, right there…
As a Business Owner I invite, trust, and thank God/Divine for taking care of me and my business (and all my clients as they do extra-ordinary things). But who would have thought a crying would have been an extra-ordinary thing?
So this 4 week long “pile-up” of extra and critical stuff was just a bit to much for me! Yep, I didn’t smile and say, “Yes, be happy to!”, instead I told my Doc, “I think my husband needs a brain transplant, he knows what I have on my plate!” Yep, I was right there! Do you ever get to this point?
Last week’s plans to get a moment of sanity were blown out of the water, and this week was already off to a crushing start by Monday afternoon – I didn’t even meet one deadline for a project (unheard of in my world), and I will work on it this afternoon (Wed. already). I appreciate the understanding that has come from the folks regarding this project.
After I expressed my gratitude I realized that when unusual behavior of me missing a commitment occurred, it was pardoned because of the stellar performance track record I do have 🙂 You see, my secret strategy of success: I work ahead. Anything that I know I have to do, I try to work ahead at least a day or two and lately I have been doing it at a week or even more. I haven’t quite mastered 2 weeks of pro-activity yet!
Working ahead frees up my time to deal with all the other requests and adjustments that come in. I can do this in a pleasant manner without anyone know how full my plate really is! Do you do something similar? If not, think what you could do.
You see, it was great knowing that as I was having a mini-meltdown, I didn’t have to worry about any of my social media and other things until I’m totally back on track and in a really good head-heart space to create again. So I was able to not freak-out while I sat outside for about 2 hours gaining my sanity again. This, my friends, is priceless 🙂
YOUR Business Rescue Coach Asks YOU:
- Which routine tasks can you work ahead on?
- What do you do to decompress?
- Live courageously and share your responses in the Comments Section so we can all learn 🙂
If you or your business needs rescuing on this particular topic
or any other Business Strategies we have been discussing,
please reach out to Maggie (262) 716.7750 FYI: I’m in the Central Time Zone
Blessings of Success to YOU ~
The Business Rescue Coach, Maggie Mongan
Brilliant Breakthroughs, Inc.
Excellent points; often as business owners we get soooo caught up in just running the business it becomes overwhelming. As a small business owner one wears many hats, as we all know and that 1 thing can overwhelm us to the point of total frustration. Planning ahead saves us time and energy in the long run. I have started to schedule future blogs in this manner. I’m sooo grateful for this feature.
As as I am so grateful to my business rescue coach! Thanks, Maggie; great insights as always!
Love and Light Always,
Blake Cahoon, Co-Founder
Illuminated Engagements Centre for Whole-Being
Thanks for your sharing… we all have so much to learn from each other 🙂 Blessings of success Blake!