August 15


Business Strategy: Wk 8/18/14

                      Business Strategy & Tips for Next Week!

Business Strategy: Deciding How to Make Change Happen
Business Strategy: Deciding to Make Change Happen

“If you don’t like something, change it. If you can’t change it,
change your attitude. Don’t complain.”
~ Maya Angelou

Application of this Business Strategy for YOU:

Last week’s business strategy and tip was all about how to develop your ideas, hitch up some of your ambition, and then move into action to make change happen. Sounds pretty logical doesn’t it? Then why isn’t it done more frequently?

Maya Angelou’s quote is fabulous! Maya inspires us to notice what could be approved upon. Invites us to change it. Heck, she even shares how to cope with it if we can’t figure out a way to change it! Pretty cool stuff, isn’t it? It really supports my quote,

“Don’t be an agent for change; be an agent of change.”
~ Maggie Mongan

Let’s play this change game. What have you complained about this week? What can you do tho change it? What can you do to change your attitude?

Business Strategy to optimize your leadership or business performance:

Now, let’s work with these really great quotes and apply them to your business and professional development. This approach is a great business strategy to optimize yourself and your business’s performance. WARNING: I oversimplify on this blog for it to serve many type of businesses, and unfortunately most Business Leaders won’t apply it… it’s just too simple! Don’t be fooled – it delivers powerful results if you apply it!

Business Strategy to Determine “Role of Change Agent” for Business Leaders

Throughout this past week, what are the 3 most recent things you complained about regarding your business or any thing regarding your business? Was it customers, revenue, technology, resources, or even profit related?

  1. Write down your complaint/frustration.
  2. Why are you frustrated by this?
  3. Could you improve it?
  4. How could you improve them?
  5. Is it better to improve it or adjust your attitude toward the topic of your complaint?

The choice is yours at this point… are you going to be an Agent OF Change and take it on yourself or have another bring about the change? The other option is to change your attitude, which is also being an Agent OF Change – personal change. Funny thing is that even before you started this simple 5 step strategy to decide how to optimize the topic, you already knew you answer. Didn’t you?

This is a very quick business strategy to assist you in deciding how to optimize performance… you’re introduced to these invitations all day long. Now, you have a game plan on how to move it to engagement level OR tweak your ‘tude!

Inspiring Quotes to assist you with this Business Strategy:

“Decisions are easy when values are clear.”
~ Roy E. Disney, executive and nephew of Walt Disney

“Intuition will tell the thinking mind where to look next.”
~ Jonas Salk, scientist

“The distance between you and your dreams is often the length of a single idea.”
~ Vic  Conant, executive


 If you or your business needs rescuing on this particular topic
or any other Business Strategies we have been discussing,
please reach out to Maggie (262) 716.7750  for a NO-COST Consultation

Blessings of Success to YOU ~
Maggie Mongan

Brilliant CEO & Founder
Brilliant Breakthroughs, Inc.

Direct Dial: 262-716-7750
LinkedIn: Maggie Mongan


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  1. Love this! And now I get strategy!!! How wonderful–it’s all coming together! Recently I realized my newsletter wasn’t working the way I wanted it to (1. too hard to produce/create 2. too costly 3. too little amount of subscribers). I complained about it briefly –maybe whined is the better word. But in this whining was the realization that it needed to change. So I started to investigate and now am experimenting.

    Maggie is my go-to business coach and she provided me with some great feedback which I will be applying. As always, thank you!

    Blake Cahoon, Illuminated Engagements Centre

    1. Thanks Blake! I believe that coaching, especially in real time is the best approach for many Business Leaders who are needing to make key decisions throughout each day. Looking forward to seeing your revised newsletter 🙂 Go get ’em tiger!

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