December 20


Business Strategy: Balanced Business Introduction (III of IV)

Overwhelmed? Out of balance? Does everyone and everything want a piece of you?

Last week we identified the 3 overarching areas that every Business Owner or Leader must be diligent about balancing:

3 legged modern-outdoor-tables by
3 legged modern-outdoor-tables by

First Leg: Your Personal Development
Second Leg: Your Business Development
Third Leg: Your Professional Development

Today we are going to focus on your Professional Development…

This past week I had the honor of being a guest for a new Marine’s Graduation Activities from the USMC Bootcamp Congratulations PFC Wright 🙂 This was a wonderful opportunity to witness “professional development” and how it becomes an asset to you and your objectives. It was even more fascinating to connect this dot because I am married to a Marine and did two tours with him – so this wasn’t unfamiliar to me in the least bit, but I didn’t quite see it this way before. However, I saw how one key element can allow you to grow as a professional in whatever industry or marketplace you serve.

What is the one key element to provide you balance as a professional?

Discipline. I surely wouldn’t have been able to say that until I saw 409 Marines graduate. Yet, when I was an executive recruiter we were always told that we needed to do a minimum of 3 hours of professional development per week to be credible and a valid professional in our marketplace. That seemed so impractical because we were already working 60+ hours a week.

So you might be asking, “How can I possibly do 3-5 hours a week of professional development each week?” Discipline! Well, you might want to relax because you may already being doing it or a portion of it! Do you read your industry’s magazines or journals? Do you follow certain blogs and/or professional newsletters? Do you go to workshops which assist you in becoming a better professional? Do you have to take continuing education? See… you didn’t realize you are already doing some of it 🙂

So how do you step it up or create a new way of being a pro?

You remember to remember to do it! Yep, that’s right! Better yet, just do it 🙂

In addition to the above, make it a point to have professional development goals. Every year I choose what I would like to work on, AKA: my gaps. Some of the things I have accomplished as professional development goals: to be a better listener, to learn particular software programs, to become a better sales person, to know more about the manufacturing sector,  to become more organized, and last year’s- to get into the social media mix!

Being a business owner or professional is “All about showing up like a rock star”. How you and the rock star may differ is you need to be consistent in showing up and performing your best! Come on, it’s the week of Christmas, and you are hearing that you need to be performing your best consistently?!?!??! Yep,and here’s how: gift yourself the tools and training you need to have a#1  rock (or country) hit!

Action Item for building a balanced table for your business to thrive:

Make a list of things which could help you become the best professional you can possibly be. Then build them into your 2012 calendar. You will be amazed as to how much you can accomplish in just one year!

Merry Christmas Everyone!

If you or your business needs rescuing on this particular topic
or any other Business Strategies we have been discussing,
please reach out to Maggie (262) 716.7750   FYI: I’m in the Central Time Zone

Blessings of Success to YOU ~
The Business Rescue Coach, Maggie Mongan
Brilliant Breakthroughs, Inc.


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