December 5


Business Resource: 6 Tips to Managing YOUR Inner Circle

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YOUR Business Rescue Coach asks:
Did you build your Inner Circle deliberately?
Are the best folks part of YOUR Inner Circle?

One of your key business strategies for success is to assure you are the best YOU can possibly be, right? You, either as a Business Owner or a Business Leader, must assure you are functioning at your best at all times. Yet something bizarre happens far too often – your Inner Circle becomes tainted – yikes!

So here we are at the time of the year where all the advise has the word “MORE” in front of it…. well not this time 🙂 This post is dedicated to you trimming YOUR Inner Circle to free you up to focus and do the things which are best for you instead of trying to stay afloat with your own “supporters”. It is amazing how much time and energy is spent on these items instead of new ways to support success.

YOUR Golden Opportunity for December:
Year End’s Opportunity to Clean House!

 6 Simple Steps to Craft a Supporting Inner Circle:

  1. Read Jeff Haden’s Article regarding the 9 types of people who don’t help you when they are member of YOUR Inner Circle: 9 People You Must Remove from Your Inner Circle Article
  2. According to the article (and it is an eye opener), assess who needs to stay and who needs to be released. Remember: Always express your appreciation to them in whatever manner is most appropriate. Take the time to do this “in a good way” for they have taken their time to serve you.
  3. If they aren’t serving you in the capacity you find beneficial, thank them for the generosity of their time and talent they have offered you. Again, with sincere gratitude.
  4. If you’d like them to continue, invite them to continue as a member of YOUR Inner Circle, you would still want to express your appreciation to them for serving you so generously over the past year or so.
  5. Now that you’ve cleared the deck,  it’s time to review what you want to make happen in 2013.
  6. Continue to invite people to your Inner Circle who will be able to support Your Business’s  2013 Wish List come to life!

Curious, what type of folks do you need to remove? Leave a comment…

If you or your business needs rescuing on this particular topic
or any other Business Strategies we have been discussing,
please reach out to Maggie (262) 716.7750   FYI: I’m in the Central Time Zone

Blessings of Success to YOU ~
The Business Rescue Coach, Maggie Mongan
Brilliant Breakthroughs, Inc.


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