February 13


Business Movie Review: “Eat, Pray, Love” for YOUR Business Success

Eat, Pray, Love Movie Ticket
Here’s your movie ticket for Eat, Pray, Love. You will learn about business strategies of Self-Care, Mindfulness and Revelation, and Truth.

YOUR Business Coach invites you to the movies:
Inspire yourself by watching
“Eat, Pray, Love”  (2010 Movie)

We receive lessons in the most unique places. Believe it or not, the movies provide wonderful business lessons for us! When I watch movies, I enjoy noticing (business) lessons that share what to do or what not to do, as I find both are of equal value!

“Eat, Pray, Love” (2010) is a story of a woman who is confused about who she is and what she should be doing with her life after being successful personally and professionally. Why? Her vision of her life is shattered when she gets a divorce. So she travels to Italy (to eat), then India (to pray), and Bali (true love). It is a story of self-discovering of one’s inspiration and motivation. After seeing this movie, you will probably reflect upon your own life and begin to celebrate the successes and honor anything less than success. No spoilers here… watch it and see how it relates to your life AND your business behavior.

SELF-CARE: Tending to your needs so you can perform at a high level

So often in a Business Leader’s life, choices must be made. More often, they tend to be self-sacrificing. Why and how can anyone expect themself or others to perform at high levels if the basic needs of humans aren’t being met? As much as we like to think we are the “Energizer Bunny,” we are not. Expectations and completion dates are everywhere in our life. The key: this shouldn’t consistently be pushing us to our maximum output, yet, an occasional “push” is expected occasionally.

Each of us is a human be-ing; sometimes, we need to be less of a human do-ing. We push ourselves and others far too much, far too often. Self-care is more than working out at the gym (even though that’s a great start). It’s about honoring your total physical being or humanness – correctly sleeping, eating, and drinking. It also dives into honoring the mental, emotional, spiritual, and social aspects of your well-being. If you need to spend more time with family and friends to rejuvenate yourself- start now! If you slow down to tend to your self-care, you will be amazed at how much more you can consistently output.

MINDFULNESS & REVELATION: Allow something extraordinary to emerge

Business Leaders are expected to know all the answers to everything. Isn’t that simply bizarre? Yet, we expect ourselves to be omniscient. So why wouldn’t everyone else expect the same? What if we all stopped for a moment, jumped off the crazy pace we are on, and took a moment to be mind-full of what is unfolding right in front of us at any particular moment? If you put your agenda aside and open yourself to becoming aware of what is occurring then, you will become a much better leader.

We all know that the best negotiators and sales pros listen more than they speak. They ask pointed questions to understand what is most important and what motivates others. They ponder momentarily and then present a solution, which may be part of the plan or something far better than initially expected. When we become present in our conversations, we listen better and can hear the heart of what really needs to happen. Practice slowing down, asking more questions, and seeing if better solutions are waiting to emerge to give you the relief you seek 🙂 If you master this, I assure you will be well followed and appreciated by many!

TRUTH: Are you giving and receiving enough of it to be effective?

Business Leaders are said to live a lonely life (“it’s lonely at the top”), and one of the reasons is that everyone is afraid to share the truth! Why? Ego and fear! Too often, people are scared to speak the truth because they are afraid of the consequences. We grew up in a society that reprimands or shuns us for not being the best at everything. Insane. So what can you do to get the answers you need?

You can begin with sharing how mistakes are part of business, and we can always learn from them, as well as the importance of how we can improve from such instances. The key is to make this a habit, so your team starts telling you what you really need to hear to be effective. Also, give them the same feedback – trust they will receive your wise counsel in the same manner you do with them. You must set an example and even retrain your team. I suggest you talk about this change and how “surrendering into truth” fosters a trusting team. When everyone can be transparent and honored, the whole group becomes more effective, and everyone wins! Start with yourself: what do you need to get brutally truthful about regarding your own performance? Make this list today – before you go to bed and wake up tomorrow ready to start fresh 🙂

If you would like assistance with any of these strategies,
feel free to call me at (262) 716-7750   Note: I’m on Central Time

Brought to you by:
Maggie Mongan of Brilliant Breakthroughs, Inc.


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