YOUR Business Rescue Coach invites you to the movies:
NOTE: This is an encore posting as it is relevant to this time of the year
We receive lessons in the most unique places. Believe it or not, the movies provide wonderful business lessons for us! I enjoy noticing lessons which share what to do, or what not to do, as I find both are of equal value!
What can the movie, “ALI” (2001) teach us about business? The movie ALI was quite a surprise! My husband and I were amazed with the variety of topics written into this storyline. It was action packed and addressed many social topics: athleticism, patriotism, religion, racism, friendship, bad business relationships, adultery, manipulation, liberation, addictions, greed, loyalty, and responsibility. The authenticity of this movie reflected Ali’s life quite well. I strongly encourage you to watch this movie and become inspired.
HOLD ON TIGHT TO YOUR VISION: It offers you great confidence
Shortly after Ali wins his first World Championship and is in the neighborhood with his fans, he shares with the reporters, “I don’t have to be what you want me to be, I’m free to be what I want.” This is a great quote and an important one for all business leaders. Everyone seems to have an opinion as to what you should do, think, or say. Do you hold on to YOUR vision and keep the faith as Ali did? Stay true to what you know and what your passion is – if you do, you will be a champ!
SET YOUR INTENTIONS: Be clear in developing your goals and objectives
Ali was up against Sonny Liston (Heavyweight Boxing Champ at that time) for the Championship fighting event. As the two were getting weighed in and the classic “trash-talk” was happening, Ali said, “I’m gonna give Sonny Liston talkin’ lessons, boxin’ lessons, and fallin’ down lessons.” He told the world what his intention (goal) was for that fight – a knockout! Not only did he proclaim it, he delivered it! Important note: he spoke with confidence and delivered because he was well trained/prepared. Do you do this routinely as Ali did?
VISIBILITY GROWS YOUR BUSINESS: Always be marketing and pick your allies wisely
Ali and Howard Cosell had a well known relationship. What wasn’t well known was how much they respected and liked each other. They both utilized their professional personalities to leverage and boost both of their professional images. What great allies they were. It wasn’t revealed until later how they were “buds” and how they “worked” together. It was fascinating to watch as Cosell set Ali up with just the right questions and Ali gave a jab back to Cosell. Today, we have a slang for this type of relationship: “wing-man”.
After watching this movie, I believe they were a wing-man to each other! Another way to look at this: who are your allies? Who will give you great praise? Who could introduce you to the most appropriate customers or other allies? Are you accessing the best folks to help you with your visibility goals? Are you referring folks as possible? Are you giving authentic and powerful testimonials as often as possible? Every great boxer has a team to assure success… think like a champ and you’ll begin to build greater visibility for your business.
Brought to you by:
The Business Rescue Coach, Maggie Mongan of Brilliant Breakthroughs, Inc.